Bhargav Ayurveda

Arthritis : Joint and Muscular Pain

Healthy joint and muscles encourage for moments, moving, running and participation in various activities. When it is affected with pain and stiffness hindering routine life. On the other hand, swelling and tear of cartilage reduces the gap in between joint, causing swelling and restricted moment of knee joints.
In this process muscles and bone tissues are involved our treatment emphasizes the nourishment of muscles and bone tissue and removes ama toxic deposition.
We follow sansaman and sanshodhan treatment protocol to get rid of from the joint and muscular weakness pain for long lasting if the diet complies properly.
Arthritis , rheumatoid arthritis, muscular pain, stiffness, tendon and ligaments inflammation. Bhargava Ayurveda treating it successfully.


  • Deposition of ama toxin
  • Indigestion and gaseous problem
  • Dryness of synovial fluid
  • Swelling of bone pad cartilage.

Characters ( Sign & Symptom )

Pain stiffness swelling are main symptoms of arthritis joint pain and muscular pain.


Care and Management of arthritis joint pain rheumatoid arthritis is done by Ayurvedic extract concentrate formulation which gives permanent stable cure. It helps to manage aggravated vata and kapha dosha and detoxification of toxins ama.

Home Remedies

  • Massage of joints with nariyal oil
  • Use of aloe vera pulp 20 grams kali mirch and black salt for taste chew it and sallow with warm water.
  • Apply Ginger paste stiff swelling joint.
  • Keep Clean  bowel with herbal harde or with castor oil 4 tsf once a week.


Bhargav Ayurveda has assets of product with proven result for joint pain arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. General body ache and stiffness.

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