Bhargav Ayurveda

Bhunimbadi Plus Syrup | 500 ml | Pack of 3


Availability: 100 in stock

Relieves digestion issues, acid indigestion, GERD; treats hyperacidity and gastritis.

Product Description

Dr. Bhargav’s Bhunimbadi Syrup is a natural ingredient blend formulation specifically designed to address acid indigestion and hyperacidity disorders. Our clinical observations have demonstrated that this product works wonderfully in managing GERD, acid reflux, dyspepsia, and bloating naturally. /n/n

This syrup is a safe and effective Ayurvedic remedy for chronic hyperacidity and gut swelling. Regular use for a few months (3-6 months) of Bhunimbadi Syrup, in conjunction with Dr. Bhargav’s Livo Detox Capsule and Dr. Bhargav’s Spittantak Granules, provides satisfactory results in managing hyperacidity, GERD, and dyspepsia. It also helps alleviate associated signs and symptoms such as nausea, reflux, epigastric burning, indigestion, palpitations, anxiety, stress, and upper abdominal heaviness. /n/n

Dosage: Follow the recommended dosage on the label for the best results. /n/n

Main Ingredients: Contains a blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to provide effective relief from digestive issues, hyperacidity, and gastritis.

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